You can return your order within 14 days from the date of receipt.
To make the return, you must send an email to our Customer Service to with the order number and specify what you want to return!
To comply with the return period, this notification must be sent before the end of the 14 days.
In case of return, only the value of the returned item is refunded.
The refund will be made using the same payment method, unless there is an additional charge.
The products have to be sent to our facilities.
Shipping is the customer responsibility and must be made within 14 days after informing us of the refund decision.
If you wish to exchange one or more articles for another (s) of the same model, but for a different size or color on our website, you must inform us within 14 days, indicating the details of the new product indicating the order number, the article you want to exchange and the item you want to exchange for.
Return shipping address:
Pura Alternativa, Lda
Rua da Agra, nº199
Tamel S. Veríssimo
Barcelos, Portugal
The product must be returned in the same condition in which it was received, without damage, without marks of use and with a label!
Damaged products will not be accepted due to inadvertent use.
The product must be returned in the same condition it was received, in original packaging and with the contents intact (Stickers or other elements that were originally contained in the packaging).
SKULK reserves the right to reject any returns that do not meet the above requirements.
Once a return is rejected and the customer is notified, the customer has 30 working days to collect the order from our premises.
SKULK may withhold the refund until we receive the products, or until proof of their return is presented.
Updated on June 20 2021.